Dab / Tram Targeted Therapy

  • 7 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I am currently on Dab/Tram targeted therapy and have had a complete response which is great. However, when I initially discussed the treatment with my Oncologist he made a point of reinforcing the fact that the statistics show an average effectiveness of the treatment of 12 months after which it was highly likely that the treatment would be less effective and alternative treatment option would more than likely need to be discussed. I have now been on treatment for 14 months and I am getting anxious. I appreciate that statistics are exactly that and averages have a higher and lower range but I would be interested in hearing if you are on Dab / Tram, how long you have been taking it and whether there are those out there who have been taking it for a considerable time.

Thanks in advance......

  • I only lasted on Dab/ Tram for 7 months then my tumours started to grow. However I have been on Ipi and Nivolumab and now just Nivolumab for 2 years and my tumours are still shrinking. They were very large to start with. I prefer Nivolumab to targeted treatment as I find the side effects are less stressful and I am able to lead a normal life. It is great the treatment is working for you but ,be reassured there are other options and probably more in the pipeline. Take care and enjoy life 

  • Hi and thanks for your reply. It is great to hear the Nivo is suiting you better I however am the complete opposite as I originally started on Ipi/Nivo immunotherapy and the side effects were so severe after the second infusion I spent the best part of 3 months in hospital but what suits one person doesn’t suit another and I guess this is why the disease is so hard to cure as it isn’t a one size fits all illness. I hope you continue to do well.

  • My husband has been on Dab/Tram since August 2017.  He has had very few side effects . Recently, an Echo seemed to show  his heart had been affected by the  treatment and there was a move to change it. However, he was sent to a cardiologist who announced he was happy for him to continue with the treatment 

  • Hithanks for your reply, glad to hear your husband continues with the Dab/Tram and being on it since 2017 gives me a little more hope. I struggle to find anyone who has been on it for a while. Does your husband show any signs of tumour now ? I have an echo coming up soon so fingers crossed. Wishing you & your husband all the very best.

  • When he started treatment in August 2017, we weren't even sure if he would make Christmas that year! Open mouth  He didnt realise until recently just how ill he really was! However, he still has the 3 brain mets and the nodules under his arm. It is too dangerous for any operations for him but he has remained stable on this treatment up until December 2018. then his head/chest/abdo ct seemed to show some fuzziness in the right lung and his Echo that month confirmed some concerns over the dropping of his score for this.  This meant that the consultant was considering changing his treatment as she thought it was stopping working. She thought his melanoma may have spread to his lung. However, referral to the Cardiologist cleared up the heart problems and he is happy for hubby to continue on this treatment and an MRI and new CT seemed to show that the fuzziness in his lung has disappeared! So, tho none of these things have disappeared over the past 2 years 8 months, he is still tolerating the treatment... only side effects are tiredness and feeling the cold! He actually has more problems because of his knees. He badly needs one possibly two replacement ops but with the mets in the brain, the oncologist has refused permission for this. he says it is too dangerous . I have seen other people on here who have been on Dab/Tram for a couple of years so it does seem to work for some folk. good luck and keep your chin up... take care


  • FormerMember


    I started on the dab/tram back in sept last year and literally ticking off every single side effect going (well it feels like it) fatique, tiredness,mouth ulcers, constipation, fevers, sweats, feeling cold... but still going. It’s one big struggle but hopefully worth it in the long run!! 

  • sorry to hear about all your side effects .  Are they getting less as time passes or are they just as bad?  I have read that some people have taken a few days break from the treatment and that has helped but you can only do that with the oncologist permission. My husband sometimes gets constipated but he likes Tropicana orange juice so that works for him. As for the cold, we keep the living room heating up high and the rest of the house on cool for me! I tend to go to my craft room when it gets too hot for me. As for the tiredness, we have to spell any activities and always have at least a day between any two events so careful planning is required!  And as you say, it will all be worth it in the long run! Keep your chin up and take care