My newest operation

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all, I posted back in January about my mole removal. I had the first operation then had to go back for the results. It is stage 1 cancer melanoma. 4 weeks after the first operation I've gone back yesterday and had my second op to remove a further 1cm from round where the mole was as a precaution to make sure it's all gone and not spread. I go back in 6 weeks for results etc. It's been a complete whirlwind, my anxiety and depression has really kicked in. Although I cried all the way through my 1st op, I was put to sleep for my 2nd op to support my anxiety. It definitely made a difference, I was much more calmer yesterday. My face (left side) is full of strips and coverings and I look like I gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson! I can't chew food because my wound pulls when I move my mouth, so have been eating soft food, mainly cakes lol. I'm really feeling sorry for myself and feel really deflated but I'm thankful it has been found and removed.

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who really supported me on my last posts regarding my 1st op and to stay strong with what ever Yr all going through. 

Traceysgirl xx

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to hear that it did turn out to be melanoma but being Stage 1 means that it's been caught early and hopefully you won't have any further problems. Consoling yourself with cakes sounds like an excellent idea!

    Do pop back and let us know the results from your wide local excision (WLE) and I hope your wound soon settles down and you can eat without discomfort.

    I'm glad to hear that you've found the group supportive and, hopefully, in turn you'll be able to support newer members.


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  • Hi , I think it’s very natural to feel sorry for yourself and deflated, I think it’s the aftermath of all the tension for you over the last few weeks but hopefully you will bounce back soon. I certainly hope so as I’m feeling a bit deflated and sorry for myself today to, and I’m longing for that bounce back feeling that I’ve had before Grinning. I noticed that your having things extra tough at the moment as you’re a carer as well, so I’m hoping you can have some lovely “me time” and find some nice smoothies to have with your cake ! and reenergise yourself for plodding on.

    best wishes.

    Take care KT