side affects

  • 11 replies
  • 55 subscribers

can u have side effects in yourself even if u dont know ya results from ya biopsy yet???

  • Hi , I understand you’ve just had a mole removed and don’t know yet if it a melanoma or not yet as you are still waiting for results. It’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive, or anxious waiting for results but I wouldn’t call that a side effect as such. Mainly the side effects talked about in this group are to the targeted therapy drugs or immunotherapy drugs that are used for advanced melanoma patients or adjuvant treatment to stop any potential spread of melanoma. Fortunately for me when I’ve had those types of drugs I have only had mild side effects. 

    What were you thinking about when you asked the question? I’m thinking that when you had your surgery you has to sign a consent form and they had to warn you of any potential problems no matter how small like bruising or infection of the site. I’m wondering if that’s what you meant by side effects, or is there something else that you’re concerned about ? 

    I know latchbrook mentioned in your other posts ways to help with not worrying while your waiting for results. 

    best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    thanx for replying I'm not worrying bout the results wotever the results I'm ready I dont know if I'm coming dwn with owt my head is all over place my arm aches alot but were I had the mole removed is healing really well it's like the top of my shoulder sometmes hurts by end of day. I've tried phoning hospital twice 2day but got the answering machine an left messages but no1 has got bk 2 me but gonna try phoning again 2moz just dont want them thinking I'm being a nuisance ringing them all time 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    thanx for replying I'm not worrying bout the results wotever the results I'm ready I dont know if I'm coming dwn with owt my head is all over place my arm aches alot but were I had the mole removed is healing really well it's like the top of my shoulder sometmes hurts by end of day. I've tried phoning hospital twice 2day but got the answering machine an left messages but no1 has got bk 2 me but gonna try phoning again 2moz just dont want them thinking I'm being a nuisance ringing them all time 

  • That’s good news that you’re healing well. I’m sorry to hear your shoulder hurts, that’s often a symptom of stress from muscles being tight, but isn’t necessarily so in your case. I know the nurses at my hospital are busy on clinic days and the multidisciplinary meeting days but ring back the next day when they are free. I hope you hear some good news tomorrow. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    which hospital are u at an thanku I really want to know my results 

  • I’m at Addenbrookes Cambridge. I’m waiting for scan results at the moment so I know how you’re feeling. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    hope all goes well hun how long u been waiting?

  • Not as long as you my scan was on Friday and results are probably going to be on the 26th as that’s my next appointment. Just lately because of a national shortage of radiographers they are not always ready for the appointment, but they do try. I have scans every 3 months, and have had for over 4 years, so I have a lot of experience with waiting ! 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    oh bless ya an u still got cancer or are they keeping a close eye on u 

  • Umm difficult to answer that one. My previous scan showed what they thought was a recurrence in a lymph node, the biopsy taken then showed it was melanoma again but that it was withering, I’m still on an Immunotherapy treatment which is why I have scans every three months, if things were more straightforward the scans would be further apart. My melanoma experience is in my profile if you are interested. I like to think it shows hope for those that worry about melanoma spreading to their lymph nodes. 

    Take care KT