Issues after WLE?

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers


new to this group and new to skin cancer in general, sorry if I’m a bit all over the place. 

To give a bit of background, I had a mole removed from my lower left calf mid November (after a few GPs would not refer me to a dermatologist) and have been diagnosed with 1A Melanoma with a thickness of 0.45, no ulceration and metosis (unsure of correct word) of less than one.

Last Monday I had my WLE on my calf and I also had another mole removed from my right thigh. 

The pain has been pretty bad, the first few mornings after getting up I was in tears with the pain. Probably the blood rushing down to the area. I am still not able to flex my calf, unable to walk with my foot on the ground. I have spent the last few days walking on my tip toes. 

On Thursday evening I felt that my inside thigh of my left leg was sore to touch, almost like it’s bruised but it’s not. And on Saturday night I realised my groin was sore. I decided to have a feel at the lymph node to see if it was enlarged and painful and it was and still is. 

Maybe i’m being a bit of a hypochondriac and it could be just muscle pain from walking the way I am? I am also on roaccutane so I am also aware it may be down to a side effect of that. Just wondering if anyone else has had any issues with a lymph node near their WLE? 

Again, sorry for being a bit all over the place with this, any advice would be helpful. 

Thanks Slight smile

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and that you've been in a lot of pain from the WLE on your calf.

    My WLE was on my upper arm so was only sore for a few days but I understand WLEs on the leg can be more painful.

    I certainly don't think you're a hypochondriac because you've noticed an enlarged and painful lymph node and think it would be a good idea to give your skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) a call so that you can explain the problems to her. She'll either be able to put your mind at rest or arrange for you to pop into the clinic.

    Let me know how you get on after you've phoned her.


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  • FormerMember


    I’m sorry you’re having to join us here. I had a WLE on the inside of my calf just over a year ago now. It did really hurt! It’s quite a deep excision they do, so using that muscle is going to hurt. Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest and keep it raised while you can. I was signed off work for 3 weeks, but I’d say moving around was much better after the first week. Just check it’s not warm or looking infected at all, but keep up the painkillers if you need them.

    My melanoma did spread to my lymph nodes, I found a lump in my groin about 4-months after my first WLE. I definitely would contact your specialist nurse as suggested, but if it helps to put your mind at rest at all I had no pain with the groin lump at all, it was just quite a hard fixed lump that didn’t really move. My original melanoma was 0.7mm and my mitotic rate was 3, so you are at a better starting point than I was - and they considered me to be really unlucky.

    I don’t think you’ll truly relax about your groin until you’ve spoken to your team, but try not to spiral - easier said than done sometimes I know!

    Let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes, Kate.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi to both and  thank you both for your replies and advice, I really appreciate it!

    I rang my nurse yesterday but she was in clinics all day so she rang me back this morning. Yesterday I started walking with my foot flat on the ground and this morning when I woke up I didn’t have much pain at all in the thigh and groin area so I assume that’s where the pain was coming from, just holding my leg and apply pressure in an awkward way.

    When my nurse rang me I had to apologise just because I think I was being a little over dramatic about the situation, but she said I done the right think by contacting her to ask. She said that if it comes back again then by all means let her know, but she’s not too concerned as the issue seems to have resolved itself.

    Again, thank you both so much for both of your response! And thank you also for welcoming me to this community!!

    All the best,

    sarah x