Recovery time after snlb on face/neck

  • 3 replies
  • 55 subscribers
Hi. I have been diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma on my ear. Awaiting date for snlb and wle. Swinging from totally fine to sheer panic form one moment to the next. Keeping busy helps. Worried about the amount of time I will need off of work to recover from the snlb on my neck and/or face. Has anyone had this done that can shed any light? 
  • Hi , I recognise that totally fine to panicking and back again feeling, I hope I’ve caught you in a totally fine moment. I thought I’d just say hi, my lymph node removal was in my groin and I wasn’t working so I know I’m of no help. I hope your work are sympathetic to the amount of time off your surgeon says you will need, they should be as you are covered by the disability act. 

    I might have picked up an in correct but if not you might want to ask a question in the ask an expert section, I will pu5 the link in just in case,

    I suppose for length of time off we are all different due to what jobs we have and where our surgery is. I’ve always found the nurses in my hospital really open to answering questions inbetween appointments, although I know with a stretched nhs it isn’t the case everywhere, but I suppose that’s why it’s good here if anyone has the experience you need or the Macmillan support line 0808 808 0000 to talk to the Macmillan support staff or a Macmillan nurse if you need to. 

    Some hospitals provide little booklets like this one in the link below it might prompt questions on how long you think you will need time off for which might be a week?

    I hope you find you take everything in your stride. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you KT, the leaflet is helpful. It’s silly, every time I’m asked if I have any questions I can’t think of a single one. As soon as I get home I have so many! 

  • Your not the only one, I sometimes resorted to taking a note book with me to appointments, and sometimes printing out questions to hand to them and one for me to follow if they answer them 

    Take care KT