Pembrolizumab side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I'm on my second cycle of six-weekly infusions of Pembro. Over the last week I have experienced a very dry mouth, so much so that it's sometimes difficult to speak (which is very tricky at work). I drink lots of fluids but that is only a temporary fix. Has anyone got any tips to ease this?

Skin sensitivity - I'm also experiencing an odd sensation in the middle of my back like tingling, pressing and is quite uncomfortable. It is possibly made worse  when my bra is tight but that is certainly not always the cause. Has anyone else experienced this?

I've also had various aches and pains in joints/muscles but as I am 56 I can't be sure if this is not just age-related.

I do keep fit by dog-walking and dance classes which does help with mind and body and would recommend both of those things for anyone looking for some easy therapy.

  • Hi , I’m sorry that your experiencing possible side effects. I’m on Pembro and have been since June 2018 but I don’t think I’ve experienced exactly what you’re describing. I hope you feel you can contact your nurses tomorrow to discuss what your feeling. 

    There has been a recent discussion about dry mouth as a side effect I thought I’d put the link in incase it helps, and you might want to ask some of the posters in the discussion a question or use it as a starting point for a discussion with your nurses.

    Skin sensitivity, I know that after my lymph node surgery I had odd sensations sometimes which were my nerves reconnecting but I’m not sure if that’s what your describing. 

    Aches and pains in joints and muscles, the trouble is these are on the list of possible side effects, but as you say might not be related to it at all. Sometimes it’s worth making a diary of what you’ve done all day and when you’ve felt things, so that you can give more info at an appointment. This year I’ve had a numbness in a knuckle on my hand which happened two weeks after a painful cannula attempt, I was told to just mention it again if it got worse and to put e45 aqueous cream over it to massage it. A few months later I’m realising that it no longer happens. 

    Dog walking and dance classes seem a really good way to get some activity and a mind break from all that’s happening. Walking Netball is my equivalent pastime. 

    I hope things improve for you soon and that others might give their experiences.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Picturethis

    Some tips for dry mouth are artificial saliva spray which can be helpful but would probably need to be prescribed by your doctor.
    The other thing you can try is pineapple chunks as they release an enzyme that helps produce more saliva. These things give temporary relief but you can use them frequently during the day.

    Aw I get dog walking being therapy! I love dogs!!

    Hope everything goes well during the rest of your treatment. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to debs45

    Thank you very much for the advice.

    I will follow that up.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you for your reply and all the good advice. I will start making a diary to try to better identify my aches and pains so that I can present a clearer picture of what I'm experiencing when I see the Oncology doctor next week. Thank you for the link.

    I contacted my clinical nurse yesterday about the mouth dryness and she arranged for a request for a prescription to be sent to my GP which I will pick up tomorrow.

    I'm glad you've recovered from the numbness in your knuckle. I always dread the painful canular!