Recent Diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I've joined up because I don't know where else to go....

I've had 2 lesions removed in the past with nothing to be concerned about but have been given a delayed diagnosis of melanoma insitu requiring a larger excision.

Feel let down that my results weren't acted upon and left feeling is there more on my body that I don't know about yet? 

  • Hi Pimlico

    It must be a tremendous shock to have been given the all clear and then to have the result changed to melanoma in situ.

    At least it is melanoma in situ, which is the earliest form of melanoma with no spreading. The mole has also has been gone for a while, being in the pathology lab rather than in your skin.

    The 'wide local excision' (WLE) is a precaution. Melanoma can be tricky and they are being super-cautious by looking for any stray cells.

    You should ask for a 'mole check', when a specialist nurse checks over your skin. How you access this may be different in different areas, so you may have to speak to your GP.

    All the best


  • FormerMember


    Welcome to the group, and sorry you need to be here.

    I totally understand that feeling of thinking there’s more melanoma on your body that you don’t yet know about, I was exactly the same. In fact the first full-body check I had by the dermatologist after my surgery did little to reassure me. There were specific bits I was worried about and I just didn’t believe the dermatologist who was telling me it was all fine. It all seemed a bit rushed and flippant to be honest.

    The next dermatologist I saw was much better, and explained as he went along why he wasn’t worried about things - that really helped me to understand the thought process behind everything. But it’s only really a whole year later, after another biopsy that has come back clear, that I’m starting to believe every mark and mole isn’t sinister. 

    It’s a lot to take in, and there’s a certain level of paranoia that does start to become normal, without putting the fear of god into you constantly. Ask lots of questions when you see various specialists and don’t be scared to ask why.

    Do you have a date for your wider excision yet? Most of us here have been through this and understand the complete whirlwind of emotions... please feel free to ask. 
    Best of luck.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pimlico, I totally relate to the delay in receiving results. I waited just over 8 weeks for my diagnosis of melanoma in situ and was almost  jovially told that it was virtually nothing to worry about but I'd need a wide local excision. They said and appointment would be sent out. I was examined and another 4 were identified as suspicious and would have to be removed. Four weeks later I still hadn't received and appointment and after numerous phone calls to the consultants secretary I still wasn't listed. This really started to mess with my head. I even went private to get a second opinion only to be told that I am better waiting to get it done in the NHS. What a total waste of time and money that was!

    To fast forward I had the WLE done last Wednesday which was horrible. I consider myself to have quite a high pain threshold but I just didn't cope very well with the procedure. I also had another mole removed and have a further three to be taken off I a weeks time. I told the specialist nurse about me almost begging over the phone for an appointment and how long I had to wait for my last set of results. She seemed pretty shocked and made a note of my mobile and said she would make a point of looking out for my results. The worrying thing is, the department is so over stretched and possibly under staffed and I don't think they fully understand the impact this has on patients extended waiting times and anxiety levels. I used to be a Marie Curie nurse and their attitude actually shocks and upsets me. 

    I hope you get the information and dates very soon and wish you all the very best x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear me this really is really sad to hear of your experience! My wider excision is the 5/2. I felt the consultant gave me a cursory once over however I feel I can't wait until the 21/4 to see her again for a next check. Do you know if the specialist nurses can check over and refer if they see something suspicious?

    Thank you for replying to me, I really appreciate it, I hope you heal well x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good luck for your WLE. I totally get you wanting to fast forward to see your dermatologist. I'm feeling the same. The specialist nurse that did my WLE was very nice but I felt she did bat away a few questions I asked her. She was non committal and just said to wait until I see the consultant again which is another 2 months away. Seems like and age to me!

  • Hi and another welcome to the online community

    It's natural to worry that every mole or blemish on your skin could be another melanoma, we all do it. However, you don't need to wait until your next appointment with your consultant if you've spotted something that is worrying you.

    You should have been given contact details for a skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) who is your point of contact at the hospital. If you see anything that you're worried about give her a call and she will then arrange for you to see the consultant. I've had to do this on a number of occasions over the last 3 years since diagnosis and I'm always been seen within a few days of my phone call. Touch wood, everything's been okay for me and hopefully will be for you too!

    Although you say that the consultant gave you a "cursory once over" they know exactly what they are looking for. My 3-monthly appointments never last longer than 5 minutes and I have a lot of moles!

    All the best for your wide local excision next week


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    How are you and how did your wide local excision (WLE) go the other week. Hopefully it's not too sore and you're healing nicely.

    Did they give you a date as to when you should get the results from it?


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook


    Had the WLE 10 days ago, lot of tension on the site so stitches in for 14 days! I was surprised that it wasn't too bad to begin with but as the days went by the more painful it became. I look like I've been bitten by a shark but it's a battle scar! They said results around 4 weeks? So another 2-3 weeks left.

  • Hi

    My scar looked pretty horrific immediately afterwards but now it's barely visible. When I went for my check-up two weeks after the op my skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) told me to massage the scar with E45 cream a couple of times a day. This definitely helped with both the look of the scar and getting the feeling back around the wound.

    Do come back and let us know your results.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"