Can melanoma fall off?

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers


i know this may sound like a silly question but is it possible for a suspected melanoma to fall off? I had a mole come up around a year ago which started as a pale small spot but over a few months it had doubled in size and was 2 different colours. Fast forward to now which has been a few more months and it’s got even bigger and has gone completely black and crusty and is cracking, it’s changed from a spot shape to a large asymmetrical shape with jagged borders. I saw my gp who was concerned and refereed me urgently to the hospital which my appointment will be next week. This morning when I woke up I noticed it was bleeding then this evening the top layer has fallen off and left a red open sore. Is this possible with a melanoma? Should I still go to the appointment? I’m worried sick but thinking if the top part has come off like a scab has fallen off does that mean it’s nothing to worry about or is this possible with a melanoma? 

thank you 

  • Hi Avj

    i would definitely recommend going to the appointment at the hospital. Try not to jump to any conclusions, although I appreciate it’s difficult not to worry, it’s always better to get things checked out.

    Hope it goes ok.


  • Hi , I can understand why your wondering, it seems like your swinging from the best case scenario to the worst or is that the other way round Thinking, which is very natural, we all do it. I’m thinking only a medic can answer that question, which you could pop in the ask an expert section to the nurses, but your next appointment will give you more info. It’s these sort of times when I would just want to park the thought until that appointment.

    My own experience is that my primary wasn’t found, I don’t recall anything suspicious, my diagnosis came when I was feeling unwell for months & when a lump had come up, a GP referred me to A&E who arranged for scans and a biopsy. So going for early investigations is a good thing.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Avj1994,

    The only way to know whether your "open red sore" needs further treatment is to see a specialist, and as you already have an appointment, I'd go along and find out what is really going on.

    You have had a few months of wondering and worrying and that could all end next week by attending your appointment.  Ideally this will not be melanoma, but even if it is, you will start to receive information and treatment which will make everything much clearer to you. 

    I really didn't want to go to my first appointment either.  Afterwards the relief that came from knowing I was getting the best treatment made me feel much better.

    Let us know how you get on, and if you have any other questions just ask.

    Take care,


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