Awaiting results

  • 2 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Good afternoon 

waiting for biopsy result which is due next week, Had a deep excision but consultant was quite vague as to what he thought it could be.

it started as a ring shape mole which had a little red brown dome appeared .Mole was forever changing and getting more elevated , when it got removed it was a black scaly with the border on the skin went pink with very light brown blemishes.This all happened with in 7 weeks . Really hoping it’s ok , but if I am honest so worried it could melanoma and aggressive.Anyone had this experience 

Regards andrew
  • Hi ,

    I guess most of the people here have had a variation of your experience one way or another.  The great news is that you have had the problem mole removed and the biopsy is underway. 

    My GP was very vague when I first talked to him about my ugly swollen mole too.  I suppose they don't want to build up hopes, nor frighten us with guesses?

    Let us know what the results are when you get them, though unless you've been told otherwise, this probably won't be for a few weeks.  The waiting is hard, and your imagination might work overtime, so try to stay busy, put it to the back of your mind, and do some fun things!  You have done all you can for now.

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andrew, my friend is a GP and was telling me last night that she referred a patient of hers to dermatology because of a similar sounding fast changing mole. However when she presented to the dermatologist, although she wanted to remove it, to be on the safe side, she was more concerned about a tiny dark but "innocent" looking freckle next to it which turned out to be stage 2 melanoma. The "changing" mole turned out to be fine. So you just don't know but I truly hope all turns out well for you.