Melanoma new diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

hi all I had a mole removed from my chest 8 weeks ago and have only just been called in on 23rd told it is melanoma. Told stage 0 but they want to remove more wider and deeper tissue to make sure not spread. In really panicking as I’ve been going doctors for months with breathlessness and pain in my lower abdomen on right side that is waking me at night. My hands and feet also keep going numb. I haven’t been week for a while and now I’m doing overtime worrying it’s spread 

  • FormerMember

    Merry Xmas hope you can find some peace and positivity. I also had the news of my mole on my chest being melanoma, the wide local excision is standard procedure and allows them to check that no cells have broken off. I felt quite at ease knowing they were doing further checks. I was stage 1b and my WLE showed only a couple of little cells had broken away and the biopsy under my armpit was clear. I found it helpful on here so many lovely people whom we share this “experience” with. 

  • Hi , I’m sorry to hear your worrying, it’s very common to attribute aches and pains to a possible spread, so I feel I should congratulate you for being normal !!. Stage 0 melanoma in situ is the best melanoma diagnosis you can get as it is only in the epidermis layer of the skin and unlikely to spread. I don’t know if you’ve read the Macmillan pages about staging, I’ll put a link for you just in case it helps.

    I hope your gp can get to the bottom of your symptoms or put your mind at rest. 

    Take care KT