Possible melanoma in situ

  • 10 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi there I am in the process of waiting for a final diagnosis of nail melanoma. I have been waiting 8 weeks now for someone to tell me what is going on and I'm really not dealing with it very well.

I managed to find my patient records on my GPs webpage and I found the letter from the pathologist stating that it was melanoma in situ but no one has actually told me this yet and I have to wait another week or so for the consultant to see me and discuss it further.

I suffer with clinical depression and anxiety and I just dont feel I'm getting any answers or support and its making me sick with worry.

Please can someone try and explain to me what this could all mean? Thanks

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    Waiting for results is really horrible and something we all have to go through. I waited about 6 weeks for my results to come back so do understand how you're feeling. Sometimes melanoma biopsies have to be sent off to a second lab for confirmation one way or another because occasionally a second opinion is needed. Then when the results are back there will be a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting to decide the best course of action, all of which adds delay.

    If it's confirmed that you have melanoma in situ then this is the best result you can get without being told that you don't have melanoma at all. If you click here it will take you to a more detailed explanation of what melanoma in situ is but, put simply, it means that the cancer cells are confined to the top layer of the skin, are all contained in the area in which they began to develop and have not started to spread or grow into deeper layers of the skin and have not become invasive.

    If this is the case this is great news as there are no blood or lymphatic channels in the top layer of the skin via which the abnormal cells can spread. Some doctors call in situ cancers ‘pre-cancer’. Melanoma in situ can be cured completely by cutting it out and no follow-up treatment is required.

    I do hope that you come back and tell us that your consultant confirms what you've read in your patient records.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you so much for replying to me so quickly. You have really explained things clearly and put my mind at rest. It is exactly what I needed because I feel like the hospital haven't explained any of this or kept me updated. 

    I really appreciate you spending the time to explain this all.

    I was starting to worry that the longer they leave it then it might start to spread further. 

    I will let you know as soon as I hear more.

    Thanks again Lia x

  • I'm glad you found my explanation helpful  but please remember I'm not a medical person and I'm only going by what you said your report says. Only your consultant can actually tell you what your biopsy results have revealed.

    It's perfectly normal not to hear from the hospital until you have your appointment with your consultant which I think you said is next week.

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.


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  • Hi

    I was wondering how you're doing and if you've seen the consultant for your results yet?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi I saw the consultant on Thursday and it has been confirmed it is Melanoma in situ but not actually subgenal Melanoma. It's in the actual nail rather than skin. Apparently it took so long to diagnose because it's a very rare case. I have to to back after xmas to have my whole nail removed and some of the surrounding tissue like you mentioned. I just pray that it won't spread anymore and that they will get rid of it all. Thank you so much for messaging to me to find out though x

  • Glad to hear it's definitely been confirmed as melanoma in situ . You can relax and have an enjoyable Christmas now before you have your excision afterwards.

    Do let us know how you get on.

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi there just wanted to up date you. So I had an appointment today with the Orthopedic surgeon to discuss how my excision operation would be done. I was a little shocked when he decided to do an X-ray of my finger and talked about possible amputation! So I got my head around having the Margin excision and now I'm not sure what's happening. He is also going to refer me to another consultant at an other hospital in my area because he said he is more qualified in my type of nail cancer. Just a little worried as to why they would need to do an x-ray when I was told melanoma in situ wouldn't spread. All my anxiety has come back again x

  • Hi

    It's really horrible and stressful when treatment plans are changed. Did you ask the surgeon why he wanted to do an x-ray and possibly amputate your finger? If not, give your CNS a call and she should be able to answer your questions.

    It's good that you're having a second opinion as the other surgeon might not feel that this is necessary.

    Do come back and let us know what your CNS says. In the meantime try and have a relaxing Christmas.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook


    So I spoke to the cancer nurse specialist 2 days ago and she said that she was suprised that the consultant mentioned amputation because that is normally only with melanomas that are thicker than mine. She said the X-rays of my finger are all fine and that it looks like I'm being referred to another Consultant who specialises in surgery of Melanomas. I now have to wait to for an appointment.

    The only thing that is concerning me is that I had the original biopsy done in October and I'm worried that all this delay and waiting is going to cause the melanoma to get bigger or spread. Some people say melanoma in situ can't spread but then other things I read say it can..I am now wondering whether to look into paying privately to speed up the process x

  • Hi 

    That's good news that the x-rays of your finger are fine and that you are being referred to a consultant who specialises in melanoma.

    It's natural to worry that the delay in having your wide local excision (WLE) could mean that the melanoma will get bigger and spread. When you had the first excision the melanoma was removed and the WLE was explained to me as a "belt and braces" approach to make sure that there were no stray cells in the surrounding tissues. So as the melanoma has been removed it can't grow bigger. Like you, my melanoma (Stage 2a) was removed in October and I didn't have my WLE until mid-February. It's quite normal for there to be this sort of time gap between the original excision and the follow-up. 

    I'm not sure where you've read that melanoma in situ can spread because that's not something that I've seen so would be grateful for the link.

    BADs (British Association of Dermatologists) leaflet on melanoma in situ (link) says that "there are no blood or lymphatic channels in the top layer of the skin via which the abnormal cells can spread". Cancer Research says "although the cells are cancerous, they cannot spread to other parts of the body, so in situ cancers are not a cancer in the true sense" while Macmillan describes melanoma in situ as "the melanoma cells are only in the top layer of skin and have not started to spread into the lower layer of the skin." Hopefully these quotes will go someway to reassuring you.

    Obviously the decision on whether to pay to have the excision done privately is completely up to you but personally I'd treat myself with the money I'd save on new clothes and hats to protect my skin from the sun!

    Let us know what you decide to do


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