Hospitalised after second ipi/nivo

  • 33 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Travelled to London 1 week after second ipi/nivo infusion to celebrate his 70th birthday and have spent last 7 days in KCH!

No side effects until we were waiting for the train in Northallerton. Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting got worse over the next 24 hours. Went to A&E on Wednesday and sent home after tests ( and 6 hours waiting). Managed to use our theatre tickets for Thursday matinee then symptoms worsened with a sleepless night hiccuping and throwing up. Friday spent 11 hours in A&E before admission to,acute assessment ward. He is still there now it’s Tuesday. On antiemetic, antibiotics ( possible chest infection), saline drip. Still unable to keep anything down, swollen tummy,  but trying to get discharged so he can go home! I am pointing out that he is hardly able to undergo the journey at the moment. Looking weaker and thinner and I am concerned though he looks a good colour!
Clinging to the hope that the ipi/nivo is making the tumours swell before they subside BUT can anyone tell me how long it might go on?

  • Hi VeronicaP,

    Sorry to read about these tough times for you and your husband, I am sorry that I have no advice to give you, as I am awaiting my second Ipi/Nivo treatment myself. 

    I do hope things improve quickly, best wishes,


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Hi , I have no personal experience to add but I wondered if this video of Dr Pippa Corrie talking at the melanoma patient conference in June 2019 might be helpful.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Hi VeronicaP, If you read my profile you will see my journey. I had 2 x cycles of Ipi/Nivo before side effects got so bad and I ended up hospitalised due to diarrhoea. My treatment was IV steroids and a dose of Infliximab. As my side effects were classed as serious the Ipi/Nivo treatment was withdrawn. I was devastated being taken off the treatment as I believed it was my only hope as before the side effects kicked in I was having a really good response. I was in hospital for nearly 3 weeks and discharged just before Christmas last year. I started Dab & Tram in January this year and have had a complete response. Try not to worry too much, there is always hope.

  • FormerMember

    I too had a very bad reaction to ipp/novo after just 2 treatments.....if there are no underlying causes such as infection. You should be asking why are they not using steriods to treat him?  That is the normal course of action and calms things down very quickly 

  • Finally he was prescribed steroids yesterday evening and had the first dose this morning. A lot more cheerful, bloating has reduced, appetite is improved and sickness seems to have resolved! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to VeronicaP

    Oh I am so pleased.....I know they must rule out any other underlying cause before they can prescribe steroids. But at last he’s on the mend x

  • I went for my second dose of Ipi & Nivo today...  After an ECG, they told me the treatment would be suspended for a while "not necessarily permanently" due to my high heart rate and "deranged Thyroid".  My consultant said she had never seen a thyroid rating as high as mine -which is apparently off the scale.

    The treatment is 24 steroid pills in the morning for three weeks, plus 2 propranolol, 2 carbimazole & 1 prazole.  I think I'm going to rattle when I walk!  They are concerned that I might get some type of infection which could lead to other complications, so the consultant gave me her own personal number to call in case I can't get through to the emergency desk...

    It all seems so serious, but as always I feel fine.  


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Double post - oops!

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Hi , well I hope you’ve got some good tunes going around your head that you can play the percussion to. I’m glad that they are giving you  personalised treatment but that must seem a bit scary as well.....unless she was good looking  and you were your usual charming self !!

    I’m glad your feel fine and that’s the thing to concentrate on when a blip happens. Sending a virtual hug.

    Take care KT

  • Left hospital Sunday, abdominal bloating got worse and very scary, readmitted Monday (10 hour wait in A&E) 

    Apparently the antibiotics (Co-amoxiclav) killed all gut bacteria. There are others that would have been better: it is so important to recognise that patients on immune therapy have specific needs.

    Now improving and eating well but obviously very weak. No dietary advice except “soft food”. I have researched and asked him to stop caffeine and stick to low fibre. Any other ideas?

    Set to discharge Friday but still on iv steroids today
