Anybody taking dabrafenic and trametinib

  • 5 replies
  • 57 subscribers

How are you getting on with side effects

  • Hi Splody,

    Unfortunately when I took a course of Dab & Tram my body went into revolt at the three week mark. That was the end of that!

    Are you taking it yourself?


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sailor2

    Hi J , yeah have been on it since June on and off but the side effects are something else, its a nasty drug to take

  • Hi Splody, I am stage 4 and have been taking Dab & Tram since January this year. I was originally on Ipi & Nivo Immunotherapy but had serious side effects that this treatment was stopped. I was beside myself when the immuno was stopped as I thought all hope was lost. However since taking the Dab & Tram I can thankfully report that I have had a complete response and following my last scan my consultant informed me that they cannot find any evidence of disease but back to your question when I first started taking it I felt nauseous and was violently sick on a few occasions, on instruction from my consultant I stopped taking the meds Dab for 3 days. Since this episode I have felt ok and no longer suffer any ill effects. I know it’s hard but keep the faith.

  • Hello there. Sorry to message you cold but I am looking for people who are taking/have taken dab & tram and who have had success with it. It sounds like you had. I wondered if you'd mind telling me how long you were / have been on them please? 

    Reason I ask is that I was diagnosed as stage 4 and was told "incurable" and that "very few people" live for five years. I have been on dab & tram for about six weeks now and have had various side effects (this week is aching joints to the degree it hurts to step up onto the pavement from the road). Anyway the point is I just want to hear good news from people who have had the same thing I have and who have taken the same drugs.
    Thank you so much.

  • Hi, no problem at all with the message. I first started taking Dab / Tram in January 2019 after 2 cycles of Ipi / Nivo which unfortunately triggered an immunosuppressive reaction. When I first started taking Dab / Tram I suffered the usual side effects but to be honest I think that most people do and I tolerated the sickness / sweats / achy joints and fatigue for a few months until my consultant advised me to take a short 3 day break after which most of the side effects subsided apart from the fatigue. All was well until June 2022 when I started to wake up with really violent headaches that I couldn’t shake. Things got a lot worse over the following 2 month period. I was advised to stop taking the Dab / Tram and I underwent numerous tests and a 3 week admission into hospital. It was concluded that I had suffered yet another immunosuppressive reaction. I haven’t had any cancer treatment since August 2022 and my subsequent scans have all been NED but I am really anxious that the disease will reoccur. I am presently waiting for my next scans and fingers crossed I get another NED result. I am however left with nerve damage to my lower legs and feet and find it painful to walk and the left side of my face is semi paralysed. I have been told that my reaction is extremely unusual but not uncommon ( whatever that means ) and it is unclear whether I will make a partial / total recovery. I guess that it is a small price to pay for being NED and at the start of my journey when I was told I was stage 4 I would have taken these consequences in a heartbeat. I have everything crossed for you that you respond well to the treatment but if you have any further questions please get in touch.