Missed diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 56 subscribers
  1. I went to the Dr in 2022 with a small pink spot on my arm. He removed it and it came back as benign. By 2024 it grew back and I had it removed again. This time it was diagnosed as Stage 2c Spindle Cell Melanoma. It was this in 2022 but was misdiagnosed, my oncologist described this as a catastrophe! and encouraged me to complain. Which I have. Their initial response is that the treatment would be the same, WLE, SNLB and Keytruda would of applied whenever they found it, but surely it had time to grow and get to stage 2c and depth of 6.8mm
  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read about your misdiagnosis and I can understand how upset you must be about this.

    I don't know how quickly a melanoma tumour would grow in two years but this might be a question to post in the ask a nurse section of the online community.

    If this is something that you'd like to do clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. As the service is only available Monday to Friday you'll have to wait until Monday morning before you could start a new post there.

    Wishing you all the best

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello  My situation is similar to yours. I was misdiagnosed on two occasions first in 2022 and then in 2023. Late 2024 I begged to see a specialist who immediately confirmed it was indeed what I had feared and when removed it’s now a stage 2b melanoma that has travelled to my lymph nodes. Im awaiting further tests to see if it’s made it’s way to my organs and thus what treatment options there are.

    I also don’t know what to do regarding the misdiagnosis from my Gp practice. I know the system they are working with is really difficult and I don’t wish to seek personal blame but I do feel that my second visit was very blasé. I was told it was seborrheic keratosis would most likely dry up and fall off which led me to do things that may have encouraged growth. 

    It’s very frustrating as I look at my scars and feel so exhausted and scared at the future  It doesn’t feel right to complain but also not right to just say sorry it’s just one of those things 

    sending you best wishes in your treatment 

  • I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you, mine was cut out in 2022 but misdiagnosed by the lab. My oncologist has encouraged me to take action and I have raised a complaint with the National Health Resolution Service. I wish you all re very best 

  • Sorry to jump on this but I have a Melanoma Pt1a and I have just had a WLE but showed another warty looking growth on my inner thigh to the Plastic surgeon who said send photo to the Oncologist team which I did.  They came back saying it’s a seborrheic keratosis. I did google some photos of SB and a type of skin cancer popped up that can mimic SB so I’m a bit concerned after reading your post. Do you mind me asking did yours look warty and dry looking? Hope your treatment goes well and that it’s not spread. 

  • Thank you. I may look into this 

    Best wishes for your treatment & recovery 

  • No mine looked nothing like a wart. It was very moist looking black with irregular borders. It was the opposite of the dry flaky lesions my father has which are SK. I knew from the very start it was a sinister looking growth but we are at the mercy of our GPs decision. 

  • Mine was like a pink pimple.. Like a big teenage zit lol, nothing like a mole at all.. I was so shocked it was melanoma.. No spread yet but finding immunotherapy brutal

  • I’m yet to start immunotherapy. How is it brutal? Are you fatigued or are you having side effects? 

  • Very nauseous, I have tablets now and they are offering some relief. And the exhaustion is relentless... I know there can be much worse side effects but you deal with the ones you've got... I hope you do OK