WLE and SNLB aftermath

  • 2 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Had my surgery 10 days ago, scars healing well but on upper arm very puckered and lumps at either end.. Normal? Also numb feeling on whole of arm and burning sensation under upper arm. Nurse said this was nerve damage and would go away. Just wondering about others experiences of this

  • I’m two weeks ahead of you for the same procedure.  Like you, I have a puckered scar on the melanoma site, but it is healing slowly.  I found it very uncomfortable at first, and the sensation of discomfort seem to shift all around my arm. At one stage (after about two weeks), I found it really uncomfortable to place my arm next to my side, because it felt really tender. I slept with a pillow between my arm and my side for quite a few nights and found that helped.  After four weeks, most of the discomfort has disappeared, and my mobility has definitely improved. Any movement involving stretching my arm is the only thing that causes me discomfort now.

    it still feels a bit numb under the arm,  but I’m hoping that the feeling will come back there,  and  that it’s only temporary nerve damage.

    Good  luck with your healing journey. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your results. My appointment with the consultant  is on the 6th Feb, and I’m absolutely dreading it!

  • Thank you for the reply... I'm feeling exactly the same symptoms so thank you for the reassurance! I keep forgetting I'm waiting for results then I remember and get the dread.. All the best with yours