Adrenal Insufficiency And Immunotherapy Fatigue

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If anyone out there has adrenal insufficiency AND is on immunotherapy, how do you know whether to take extra hydracortisone or not for fatigue? 

I got officially diagnosed with a broken adrenal gland 3 months ago but have been on 20g replacement hydrocortisone already for 7 months. I get debilitating fatigue for a couple of days on a weekly basis. I find it quite shocking. 

At my last appointment with the endocrine consultant, she just shrugged and said 'Oh, that's your cancer treatment fatigue'. But I wonder if I shoudl be on a higher dose (25g)? Or whether I should be up-dosing on bad, fatigue days?

I feel like I have a good deal of psychological stress in my life because of Stage 4 cancer diagnosis and this affects maybe my need for more cortisol? On the other hand, I do have good resources to deal with the stress (therapy, meditation, rest, pacing).

I'll definitly ask all these questions at my next endo appointment but I'd appreciate knowing other people's experience. 

Also let me know if you think there are any other questions I should ask my endo consultant.

Warm wishes,
