Hospital have screwed up!!

  • 1 reply
  • 48 subscribers

I am feeling so angry right now.

Stage 2 melanoma, had WLE and SNLB almost 4 weeks ago. On friday last week I sent a message to my support worker, asking if she could check to see if my results were in. She rang me and said she had been authorised to tell me that it was good news, my results were back and they were all clear. Great, off i went to celebrate.

Today, I have received a phone call from the head nurse saying they have made an error and my results are not even back yet!! how does this even happen? I feel like I am right back at square one again. I also feel like, I'm not going to be lucky enough to receive good news twice!

I've put a complaint in to PALS but im not holding out much hope. I'm tempted to see if a solicitor will take the case on

  • Hi  

    It must have been devastating for you to find out that your results are not back yet after being told that they were and that they showed no sign of cancer, and I can understand why you're so angry.

    Speaking to PALS was a good idea as they can investigate how this has happened and, hopefully, put in place procedures to stop it happening to anyone else.

    How are you feeling now? I hope you have good support to help you through this very difficult time.


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