Stage 3a braf

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi I have stage 3a  superficial spreading melanoma which I was receiving  dabrafenib and trametinib but only done 4months as been put on hold because of side effects and was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma thyroid cancer. I can go back on them once thyroid treatment sorted waiting to see if I need iodine treatment. I have been told its at a low risks of coming back but it is braf. Not sure weather its worth going back on tablets as only a small benefit. Is anyone else on he at stage 3a braf melanoma without treatment. 

  • Hi  

    I can certainly sympathise with having to deal with 2 cancer diagnoses having had a breast cancer diagnosis after my melanoma diagnosis. However in my case, I had already finished treatment for melanoma so not in the same position as you.

    While you're waiting for replies you could, if you haven't already, use the search facility to look for others who's melanoma is braf.

    Do come back and let us know what you decide to do as it will be helpful for people in future.

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