Dab/Tram Hair Loss

  • 5 replies
  • 51 subscribers

I’m 18 years old and was recently diagnosed with stage 3B melanoma. I’ve been told to have adjuvant targeted drug therapy for a year which I will start at the end of August. 

My oncologist told me that my hair could thin, but it would probably only be noticeable to me. However, I read something where someone said they loss around 70% of their hair. I would be absolutely devastated if this happened to me - my hair has always been really important to me. Please could you let me know your experiences of hair loss on dab/tram? Thank you in advance x

  • Hi I was on the tablets for 7 months. I did have some hair loss but it was only noticeable to me and my hairdresser. As soon as I stopped taking the tablets my hair thickness returned and I have no lasting side effects with my hair. It wasn’t 70% and everyone’s different so it could be even less with you.  I wish you well.

  • Thank you for your reply - that’s definitely reassuring!! Thank you so much - best wishes to you too!

  • Hello, I was on dab & tram for 12 months - I’m 39 and like you stage 3B. I had absolutely no hair loss or thinning at all. I was poorly on the tablets on & off so my advice is to have support in place if/when you need it. Best of luck! 

  • I am starting dab and tram tomorrow and have a wedding coming up a week on Saturday,Will I be well enough from side effects to be able to go.Many thanks.

  • Hello, there’s no way of guaranteeing how well you’d be. However my own experience was that on the first 2-3 days of dab/tram my skin would react and I'd experience other side effects (eg fevers) and then by the time a week passed I’d be better. On the plus side you could always stop for a couple of days so you’d be well for the wedding (if you were feeling poorly - and if your team agree!). Best of luck.