Biopsy results

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I'm new on here so I'm not sure if I'm at the right place. 

Basically, I've had a weird looking mole for a year and it's gradually grown in size so I decided to get it checked out few months ago. I had a urgent referral to see a dermatologist which I went and was seen by a few doctors. The consultant told me his 95% sure it's nothing but just wanted to do a biopsy just to make sure. So they cut half of it out and sent it for some testing, I've was told the waiting time can be up to 8 weeks. I called them on the 8th week and they told be they had a back log and will get back to me soon as possible. Since then it's been another 8weeks and they have only just got me an appointment to go to dermatology next week.

I been trying so hard not to worry about it to the point I almost forgot about it, but now I received this msg have gave me anxiety again. Why did they get back to me so late?! Is it bad news?! Why do I have to go in to see them?! 

Just so many thoughts are going through my head and I'm just wondering if this have happened to anyone else? 

Much appreciated 

  • Hi Adam I have had 3 moles removed over the years. One was apparently precancerous, one was a melanoma and the latest one was fine. All took their time in being diagnosed. It's worrying but you can't read anything into the time taken other than our services are sometimes overwhelmed. Once in the system the care is good. Good luck.

  • I can relate to you being anxious , but be reassured that they have been in touch and whatever the discussion you have , you are in good hands .  Take care