Covid and surgery

  • 5 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Got my WLE booked for next Wednesday but tested positive for covid last night. Not sure whether I should ring hospital to tell them or wait to see if I’m testing negative nearer the time. Reading about it seems they don’t like operating until 2 weeks after infection but not sure if that is more if you are getting a general anaesthetic. Don’t want it delayed but because they are doing open wound healing don’t want to take any chances with my healing

  • Hello LadyBaba,  I personally would tell them.  I came down with covid just before my operation and at the time we had to send them a picture of a clear covid test.  They also tested when I arrived at the hospital on the day of my operation.

    Hope all goes well for you. x

  • Thanks for your reply sharon0308. I think I should be negative by them but I’ve never had covid before so you never know. Can’t believe after avoiding it for 4 years it decides to get me now !!

  • Hi,  I am not sure how long before you op you have to show an all clear, something tells me 3 weeks.   It's because of your breathing that they insist on this.  Wish you. good luck with your op and if you want to chat about anything that I might be able to help with please message me. 

  • I’ve just rang hospital and they said it’s fine for next week as long as I don’t have symptoms still. Don’t even need a negative test as nurse said they are not testing anymore. I’m just getting local anaesthetic so I suppose I haven’t got the breathing problems to worry about with a general anaesthetic. Just resting up to make sure I’m better for then x

  • That’s good news, good luck for next week and let us know how you get on x