WLE query

  • 1 reply
  • 46 subscribers

I've had a mole removed that waa 7mm x 11mm. As it was an excisional biopsy they advised they would just take a 1mm margin. The scar I've been left with it over 4cm long which took me by surprise. They said at the time I would likely need a WLE which I understand will have a 1cm margin. Given the size of the scar I already have now keen to hear from others as to the size of the mole vs the size of the scar left behind so I can manage my own expectations.

Many thanks

  • Hi 

    my tumour was 2cm x 3.5cm & 14mm dept after WLE of 2cm I have 6.5inch scar but didn’t need a skin graft 

    speak to your specialist nurse they will advise you what to expect.

    beet wishes Ali x