Excisional biopsy

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Following appointment with dermatologist I will be having a suspected melanoma removed next week. Im trying to plan recovery and would be interested in hearing stories from others. 

It's 7x11mm and on my side at bra strap level. I'm aware they could take up to 1cm around the edge but how deep will they go. How many stitches will this need?  When will I be able to exercise?


  • Hi

    i had a mole removed and they told me 5-6 weeks for it to heal properly but mine was on the inside of my calf. The stitches were very tight so quite painful a lot better after stitches removed after 2 weeks but could still feel it pulling a bit inside. It has taken about 5 weeks although they did tell me the lower leg is the longest to heal. Also everyone heals differently. Good luck x

  • Hi Remlap,

    I had an excision biopsy nearly 7 weeks ago, it sounds like a pretty much identical place! I had 3 internal soluble stitches and 5 external stitches which were removed 2 weeks after the biopsy was taken. I think mine was 10x14.

    it was a bit annoying because the band of my bra moved the dressing around a bit initially and I think it was actually the dressing rubbing on the wound which caused a bit of discomfort, but nothing material. I went back to work the next day and felt absolutely fine. Only very mild discomfort rather than pain. I had to remind myself not to over-reach and the only times I felt sore was when I stretched too much! When the stitches came out it felt so much better, only a little bit itchy for a week or so after that. 

    I hope all goes well for you. I’m still waiting on results which is a bit of a pain!!

  • Hi – I think this is a little lower than mine was. With me, the problem was that it was within area of shoulder movement and I was much more restricted in doing things than I had expected. (Had tried to leave out mugs to fill with water, lighter pans out on surface so didn't have to reach into cupboards, had ready meals in easiest to reach parts of fridge/freezer). The biggest problem was that I could not remove my bra. Unfortunately the only person I could ask for help was someone who didn't have a clue. Farcical. I also had a problem in that I was unable to reach the dressing myself when the time came to remove it and didn't have anyone I could trust to help me. (Hopefully on the side will be a bit easier for you there.) 

  • Maybe try moving your arm around, then separately try carefully tilting your body to the side to check if any muscles move in the area where the mole is (I think you'll be surprised at what might be affected and it will give you a better idea re planning so you are not caught out as I was). Please take care and don't put yourself at any risk of falling when doing this. Am just talking about normal movement but being aware of what moves!

    I managed to pop a stitch just reaching forward a little, so even normal household chores were restricted for me. Don't underestimate that you might need some help. x

  • Thanks for the messages, all really helpful x

  • I had a biopsy done on my side almost 3 weeks ago, the nurse doing the biopsy told me to put my arm above my head so that it wouldn’t be as tight doing that motion afterwards.  I had 5 stitches, got them out after 9 days and the pain has gone when moving around.  It’s still a bit sensitive to touch in some areas but generally able to do everything I could prior to the biopsy.

  • Thank you for sharing. Mine is in exactly the same place so really helpful.

    Have you had your results? 

  • No not yet, I was told they were being sent as urgent and would take around 2 weeks but then I spoke to the consultants secretary and she said it’s 2-4 weeks just now.  I had the biopsy 22 days ago but still no results yet so hoping I hear something this week.  I’m in Glasgow