Follow up after AI Photograph - what can I expect?

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  • 45 subscribers

I went to see my GP about a suspicious mole and they referred me for suspected skin cancer.

Two days later, I get a call to book an appointment (for the following day) with something called Skin Analytics, where they take photographs and use AI, which are then looked at by a consultant. They said I'd get results from this within 2-3 weeks, however, just a few hours later, I got an alert on my online account that I'd been booked for a follow-up consultation at the hospital. 

They haven't specifically given me the results from the AI photographs, or told me what to expect from the follow up appointment. Do I assume it is suspected cancer? Will this result in a biopsy?

Basically I am wondering if anyone has experience with Skin Analytics and is familiar with the process, as I can't find anything online!

  • I went through the same process a few months ago regarding a lesion which was thought to be non cancerous. I was told the photographs would be looked at by a specialist and I would hear within 2 weeks. It was only 6 days when I got a phone call to say they wanted to see me in 36 hours time. My consultation was done by a nurse consultant who gave me the choice of a 3 month review or a punch biopsy. I opted for the latter and this was done 4 days later with the results promised after 6-8 weeks. 6 weeks later the results confirmed it was nothing serious. The speed could be seen as given rise for concern but in fact it was an instance of the NHS being super efficient.