Biopsy results (WLE and SLNB - 0.2mm of Melan A)

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello everyone,

Initial melanoma 1.2 mm Breslow classified as T2A (0 mitoses, no ulceration) 

I just received my WLE and SLNB results, still need to check it with the doctor on Friday.

I didn't understand half of what the report said, I used Chat GPT :))

Basically they say this:

Sample A: WLE clear (just scar tissue) so I guess that should be fine

Sample B:

- 2 piece of fatty tissue one containing 4 lymph nodes inside measuring 4 to 8 mm.

- 1 lymph node has 0.2mm of Melan A reaction on the edge of the node with no traces of extension beyond it.

- 3 remaining node are clear.

Sample C:

- 1 piece of fatty tissue with a 19mm clear lymph node 

So basically WLE is clear, and out of 5 lymph nodes one contained 0.2mm traces with no evidence of spreading.

Given this new result, my stage would change from 1b to 3a, right?

I am a bit scared now, and I have lots of emotions coming my way.

I was reading in the forum that someone else with a similar diagnosis, of such small micro cells in the lymph node were only followed up with no treatment.

Keeping optimistic though,  as theoretically I had this for 2 years (when they initially identified but no one told me) and it kept at 1.2mm and only 0.2mm in one of the lymph nodes  with clear CT Scans so far.

I don't know what I want with this post, maybe just to let it out and have some hope from this community that everything will be fine.

Hope to hear your positive insights and success stories.



  • Hi  

    I can totally understand you wanting to understand what your biopsy report means, but the Community Guidelines only allow us to share our own experiences and don't allow us to "attempt to provide a diagnosis for another member".

    The best person to talk through this report with, and to explain what it means specifically for you, will be your skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS), sometimes referred to as a key worker or Macmillan nurse.

    I realise that this reply won't be what you were hoping for, but I'm sure your SCNS will be able to help you.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello hello,

    Just got yesterday the visit with the doctor.

    He explained that everything was taken out.

    WLE clear.

    For the SLNB,  even if they found those microscopic cells (0.2mm), as is below 1mm they consider this as a negative result, based on latest research and treatments.

    And explained that out of those 5 lymph nodes, if only one has such a small amount and no sing of spreading, this means is a very good result and no chances of it going further.

    Now I have to be mmonitored or 2 years, having every 4 months an ultrasound, yearly CT scan and periodical dermato checks.

    On the 19th of June I m going to have a digitalized map of all the moles and freckles I have and follow up from there.

    I am taking this as a positive aspect and I feel much calmer now.

    Definitely changing the way I see the beach days from now on, taking more care and having proper shade and sunscreen.

    I m looking at this as an opportunity also to change other aspects of my life, from food, drinks, sport and especially stress.

    I ll keep you all updated!

    Thank you
