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  • 46 subscribers

Hi I got my results from WLE and SLNB yesterday and the WLE had no trace of disease but two lymph node’s have disease, I’m having a CT Brain next week and waiting for a PET scan. I am now sick with worry AGAIN this is never ending . I’m now Stage 3 x

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you're now Stage 3 after traces of melanoma were found in the lymph nodes removed.

    It's natural that you're worried but there are lots of people in this group who, like you, are Stage 3 and I'm sure they'll be happy to answer any questions and share their experiences with you.

    Sending virtual ((hugs))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, sorry that you are feeling this way. Very much like you, my WLE was clear but 2 out of 3 of my lymph nodes had melanoma present. I had my oncology appointment this week and had 3 options: immunotherapy; targeted therapy DAB/ TRAM or just regular CT scans. For a variety of reasons but mainly due to my past medical history I have opted for 12 months of ‘targeted therapy’. Hope your wait for further news is not too long.

  • Hi Katie it’s just so scary. I’m having my Pet Scan next week but had to reschedule the CT brain scan as of course they gave me two on the same day!! Did you have long to wait to see you oncologist and how long before you start your treatment x

  • Hi, I had my WLE and SNLB on 4th April and my results about the lymph nodes on Friday 26th April, the skin cancer nurse made a referral to oncology during the appointment. My CT scan appointment came through very quickly on Wed 1st May. Again, my results came through quickly and I had my oncology appointment on Tuesday 21st May and will, hopefully, start treatment in the next couple of weeks once the medication is sent. So, from WLE and SNLB it should be about 2 months. Hope your wait is not too long.