Lymph node removal

  • 1 reply
  • 49 subscribers

I have just had the doctor phone with the results of my pet scan and they think the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under my arm so want to remove them when they do the wide excision. I have an outpatient appointment tomorrow with the surgeon to discuss it but does anyone know what to expect for recovery time and side effects. I am also diabetic and after the original biopsy got an infection so hopefully that not happen again. Also can see it being a long recovery off work already been off a month as also got long Covid and I was not coping and wanted to stay as well as I could before my surgery so hopefully it will not be a long wait. Hopefully i will find out more tomorrow.

  • I had the lymph nodes in my right armpit removed for biopsy when I had my WLE procedure on my right upper back. The surgeries were closed using surgical glue and I had no problems with recovery. I was unable to raise my right arm above my head without noticeable sharp pain, but that went away after a few days. Aggravating but not debilitating. After one day of out-patient home recovery I went back to work with no issues (other than the " don't raise the right arm over the head thing".) As I recall, I took only over-the-counter pain meds and it was no problem. I'm not diabetic and I understand that the condition may slow the healing process, so I do hope that you will be able to bounce back quickly and avoid further infections.  All the best to you with your surgery. 66/m here.
