Melanoma in 2 lymph nodes - any experience of treatment?

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all, I had the results of SLNB on groin on Friday and 2 out of 3 lymph nodes had traces of melanoma. I know it’s difficult to know anything for certain but was just wondering how other people have been treated for this. The Multi Disciplinary Team meeting is on Monday and I should have some information on Tuesday but just wondering about potential next steps. Got 3 school aged children and hoping to give them reassurance. 

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear about your news that you have melanoma in your lymph nodes.

    From my experience it depends how much is present as to what action they take. Your oncologist will run through the options with you but it's a emotional waiting game I'm afraid.

    I have had a CT scan after I had a mole removed that was malignant melanoma. This scanned indicates that I had enlarged lymph nodes. Sadly a biopsy proved inconclusive so I had a PET scan from which I'm waiting for the results and possible treatment or further spreading which is terrifying.

    It's a horrible situation to be in and I sincerely wish you all the best news and outcome.

  • Thanks for the supportive response. Hopefully, I will have a more specific picture soon. As you say, it’s the waiting that’s the challenge. Hope all goes well for you and your results come through soon.

  • Hi

    See my blog,I too had cancerous cells in 2 of my lymph nodes in my groin over 12 months ago.

    I was offered immunotherapy and finished treatment recently.I had 7 out of the 9 treatments (every 6 weeks).Unfortunately I wasnt able to have the last 2 due to toxicity levels and associated side effects.However I am told that gave my body a good chance.I have had 3 monthly CT and MRI scans as well as regular ultra sound scans of my lymph nodes.I feel I am being well cared for and being given the best chance for life going forward.I will continue to have regular scans and skin checks.Take what is offered and good luck with your onward journey.Let us know what the next steps are for you x

    Take care

  • Thanks for the detailed response. It definitely helps to know what might be ahead. Hope all goes well for you.