Can anyone help?

  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have been diagnosed with an aggressive melanoma. Started as a lump on my calf which was excised with quite a large margin and a skin graft applied. All was healing well until about 4 weeks ago the area around the graft bavâmes raised with small pimple type spots. Dermatologist said it was the melanoma. Had an ultra sound of my groin and a biopsy takes from a lymph node with showed the disease had spread. Had a CT scan and it confirmed the cancer was in my groin but had not spread beyond. Dermatologist said totally operable. He also booked a PET scan and the initial results show the melanoma was up my leg and my abdomen was ‘lit up’. Surgery no longer an option. I have agreed to have immunotherapy. 
Does anyone know if a CT scan could miss this wide spread or could it have spread so fast in the two weeks between the scans?

Sorry if I’m rambling. 

  • Morning 

    I'm going through treatment for oesophagal cancer having had chemo op and now more chemo.

    I had both CT and Pet Scans prior to treatment and they picked up everything including my appendix which lit up and although not causing me any problems was taken out before chemo treatment. Every cancer is different and spreads at varying rates.

    Your team will look after you and treat you in the best way they can. If you are still concerned talk to an expert on here

    Best wishes 


  • Hello,

    It’s all a bit of a blur in the beginning so it’s great you came to the forum for a ramble. I went into hospital because I couldn’t breathe very well. Within 5 hours of admission I  was told I had cancer - my scan lit up like a Christmas tree. I still couldn’t breathe well and it took a week for the fracture to show on my scan. It can sometimes take time for the full picture to emerge, I’m not sure if anything would spread within a fortnight.

    I started immunotherapy last August and my tumours have shrunk, some have disappeared completely.

    Once I got used to asking questions, I found it got easier, and the doctors and nurses are totally open with me. It helps if I understand what’s happening and also to know that I am in capable hands.

    take care of yourself


  • Hi Hevallan

    Yes it's all very daunting when you first get the diagnosis.

    My cancer was found after I became unwell after a bike ride in the mountains of Lanzarote.

    Saw my GP as soon as I got back and he sent me for an endoscopy which revealed a tumour on my oesophagus. That was last June. Since then have had 4 rounds of chemo and op to remove my stomach and now face the last of 4 post op rounds on May 1st.

    You are so right in that you must always ask questions as it helps the specialist team to give you the best care and the chances to beat this horrible disease.

    Hope you are doing ok and that things are going in the right direction 

    Best wishes 
