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Hi all I was diagnosed on the 8th January with Stage 2B Nodular Melanoma, all being well I’m having my WLE and SLNB on the 16th April. I just feel I’ve only just got my head around the diagnosis and it’s all about to get turned upside down again. It’s the waiting on the results that I find the most difficult. Anyway don’t mean to be negative and I hope everyone is doing well in their own journey x

  • Hi Liky,

    I was diagnosed with stage 3B Melanoma back in early Feb.

    I had my wide local excision done about a month ago and I’m back at oncology this Thursday to hopefully begin my treatment.

    I understand how you feel, it feels like everything is on hold and the goalposts keep getting moved.

    After the shock of the initial diagnoses, it feels like new bits keep being added.

    All I can say is try to keep positive, no matter how anxious you feel, it’s important to try and focus on getting back to being yourself.

    This is a scary time of your life, but it will pass, and you will get through this!

    There are so many excellent treatment options available now for Melanoma that weren’t available a few years ago.

    Keep your chin up, You’ve got this! 

  • Hi celtictaz19

    please let me know how you get on and what treatment your offered. Thanks so much for your reply x

  • Hi Liky, I was back at oncology today, I will be starting trametinib and dabrafenib tablets which I’ll be on for a year, but I need to wait another week to start as my wound from the WLE still needs a bit longer to heal following an infection in the wound a week after surgery.

    My biopsy results from my WLE weren’t back yet, but the treatment is the same regardless.

    During my full body CT scan, a few issues were identified that were unrelated to the melanoma, but as a precaution my doctor arranged for some further tests to be carried out which are ongoing.

    My oncolologist is lovely and very reassuring which helps immensely as I feel that I can talk openly with them, which I sometimes struggle with.

    My plan is to be on medication for a year and to attend oncology every 4 weeks where they will repeat bloods, scans and cardiology checks regularly.

    Although there’s still a way to go, for the first time since my initial diagnoses, I can see a path forward.

    I’m not sure if you’ll find this helpful, but I find the unknown makes things worse, so having an idea what’s maybe ahead and what to expect helps.

    I wish you all the best with your treatment and if you ever want to ask anything, please feel free to send me a message Slight smile

  • Hi Celtictaz19, Glad you’re seeing a path forward. It’s just so scary I’m really nervous about my WLE and SLNB now and what the outcome will be. I’ve waited 3 months since my diagnosis and I know it gets easier, but i feel like it’s starting all over again . Thanks so much for your reply. I’ll let you know how I get on x

  • Hi Liky'

    I was diagnosed with 2b melanoma in August 2023. If you click on my name you can read my journey so far. I am on dabrafenib and trametinib tablets.

  • Hi just read your journey, mine sounds similar my CT Scans showed no signs of anything major organs. I’ve been quite relaxed after the first few weeks until now and the panic is setting in again. The worry of the SLNB and what they might find . Also I’ve got a new raised spot near my wound it’s just appeared I wasn’t sure if I should contact anyone as I’m going in on the 16th for WLE X

  • I took a photo of the area near my wound when I noticed the small moles. My cancer nurse had an email address and I sent the photo to her. They brought my Dab and Tram treatment forward 1 month. 

    You can give them a call, they are happy to help with any worries you might have.

    Hope everything goes well for you.