Immunotherapy with heart condition

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers


My husband has recently been told he will have to start single dose immunotherapy treatment every 6 weeks . The melanoma is a metastatic cancer that has spread to his lung.Chris has a heart conditioPray(cardiomyopathy with arrhythmia) and takes a lot of medication. He is aged 82 and the most amazing and positive man you could wish for. I just wondered if there is anyone with preexisting heart probPrayms that is having immunotherapy..would love to hear your experience please Pray very worried wife 

  • Good Morning Shirley, 

    I am having Immunotherapy every three week before my Chemotherapy . I have had had a triple heart bypass some years ago so I'm taking medication for for this. I have had had no problems with the treatment apart form the usual side effects from the chemo .I did ask the consultants if there would be a problem with my existing medication and they put my put my mind to rest. I know this is not exactly the same as what your husband is going through but hope it helps a little. I would like to wish you and your Husband Chris all the best for the future .

  • Awwww

    Really appreciate your reply...this really helps as its always a worry when there are other preexisting conditions Grinning 

    Thank you for your support Pray Chris is a fighter so know this will carry him through .

    Good luck to you in your cancer journey