Vitamin D

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi – just wondering what advice people have been given about Vitamin D?

The reason I am asking is that when I got told that I need to keep out of sun from 11am to 4pm April to October, which I've been doing for several years now, no one told me I needed to take vitamin D.

For quite a while now I've been experiencing fatigue and some other symptoms and when doctor ran some checks my Vitamin D came back extremely low (borderline severely deficient) so I've just been put on a prescription-only super-strength loading dose (2 x 20,000iu) for 7 weeks (once a week dosing) to be followed by daily maintenance at the end of this period when my vitamin D will also be rechecked.

I had been getting out for plenty of autumn and winter walks not staying indoors – so out for at least an hour each day even if the walking is slow-walking – so am puzzled at just how low my vitamin D levels were.

Would be grateful to know if others have had problems with vitamin D levels and if I should have been given advice regarding supplements when told I had to stay clear of the sun? 

  • Hi Rosalinda. As soon as I was diagnosed with melanoma, my specialist told me to cover up when in the sun, wear factor 50 sun screen and take 1 2000 iu vitamin D tablet every day.

  • Hi Squonk – thanks for the reply. It's helpful to know what other people have been told and I really appreciate you letting me know what your specialist said.

    Maybe no one said anything to me last time because I've had so many excisions and got the advice I could never sunbathe etc when I was in my thirties (thirty years ago). Perhaps things were done differently then!  

    My maintenance dose may be slightly lower than yours (?800 iu – I guess it will be on the prescription I get after the vitamin level has been rechecked).

    Looking on-line there does seem to be a general recommendation for at least 400iu, so it does seem that I should have been taking something all these years and then maybe I wouldn't have got to feeling so ill. It also seems that dosing may vary depending on age, stage of cancer and co-morbidities.