Positive new - Husband cured!

  • 11 replies
  • 55 subscribers

My husband had a consultants review 5 years after starting his melanoma stage 4 treatment (Ipilimumab/Nivolumab only 4 treatments due to side effects) 

She said he was officially CURED

We are obviously thrilled and a bit stunned.  

I am sending everyone going through this horrible journey lots of positive vibes and the best of luck.

  • Wow - fantastic news and so inspiring

    1. Wowww,  that is amazing! My Dad has stage 4. He has just had his 4th dose of the ipi/nivo. He has really bad side effects to it! Very lethargic and chronic diarrhea. How was your husbands side effects? Did he move onto the nivo for 2 years after? 
  • That is absolutely fantastic news  

    Revolving hearts

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  • No follow on treatment after the 4 double dose, He had 4 weeks in hospital due to diarrhea and his adrenal and thyroid glands were permanently effected.

    But all worth it.  

  • That is just absolutely amazing news! Gives me hope. My poor Dad is just battling at the moment. He is 72 and both my parents just sold there hotel and retired to find out after that he had stage 4 cancer. 

    The fatigue is destroying him at the moment. He has no energy, even going to the bathroom he is out of breath. 

  • What fantastic news. I’m so pleased for you. I also want to thank you for helping me when I was first diagnosed. Hearing your news has given me hope for the future. X

  • The best thing I've read in a longtime!  Really happy for you and yours.

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • This is amazing news and so good to hear for people like me with stage 4 going through treatment at the moment! Do you mind me asking how long your husband had immunotherapy for, I know you said its 5 years since he was diagnosed, has he been having treatment all that time? Hope you're both enjoying celebrating this amazing news! 

  • He had 4 double (Ipilimumab/Nivolumab) treatments 5 years ago, then had to stop due to side effects.  He's had no treatment since and no reoccurrence.