Metastasis melanoma

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi just found out my melanoma has metastasised to a brain tumour. I am freaking out tbh, can't sleep and cause its christmas I can't see my GP, im aving gamma knife surgery on the 5th if January,  anyone else experienced this? Please help.

  • Hi Catsandcake,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My mother's melanoma metasized earlier this year, and she had three brain tumours treated with gamma knife back in October. It was a really quick and painless procedure - she said the worst part was getting the frame fitted, and that was only mild discomfort. Then she just spent an hour and forty minutes lying down and listening to music while the machinery did its job. We don't know yet if the gamma knife worked, because she won't be scanned until early January, but she certainly feels very well in herself - much better than she did back then, in fact - and we were reassured that it has a 90% success rate. On the day, she was told that they can repeat the procedure if for some reason it doesn't work the first time.

    I hope that helps a little. Sending warmest wishes,

    Pip x

  • Aww thanx for that, you have reassured me! I'm glad ur mum is feeling well. 

    Many thanx and merry Christmas xx