Pneumonitis (inflammation) and Steroid use

  • 3 replies
  • 51 subscribers

I have Stage 4 melanoma which has spread to my lungs.  2 sessions of ipi/nivo have left me with severe inflammation of my lung.

All treatment has had to be stopped until this is resolved.  I was hospitalised due to problems breathing and given iv steroids over 3 days.  I was then discharged on a dose of 40mg a day, reducing every 7 days.  The problem is that every time the dose is reduced my breathing gets really bad again and it has to go back up.   I have now been on steroids for over 2 months and I'm getting desperate.   I have been referred to a respiratory consultant who currently has no alternative suggestion (I am waiting for a bronchoscopy) amd who has said it is possible that the damage may be permanent.  I cannot get back on treatment until I am down to 10mg of steroids.

Has anyone had a similar problem amd how have they managed to resolve it or have you had to stop treatment?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read about the side effects that you have and it all sounds very stressful.

    I don't have any similar problems but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier to see.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi J55, I have also had m 2nd ipi/nivo and it also attacked my lungs.

    I have been in hospital for 1 week now.

    Today they have withdrawn my I.V steroids of 140mg ( which I have been on since friday)

    I have started on 60mg tablets.

    They are keeping me in for 48 hours for observation.

    I am a little behind you, bit I also fear that my lungs maybe permanently damaged.

    As the steroids step down my lungs won't cope!

    Not seen my oncologist yet, but the immunotherapy team think my dual treatment will now be stopped.

    But I'm sure they will have a back up plan.

    I really hope that you can get down on your steroids without too many effects to continue treatment.

    Please keep us updated on your progress and good luck.

  • Hi J55,

    Deirdre here. How are you? I hope you are doing well. I hope the lung issues have stabilised. I personally found it to be challenging to be in limbo on steroids so sending you a virtual hug. 

    Deirdre/Dots xxx