Coping with symptoms of combined immunotherapy

  • 6 replies
  • 51 subscribers


I am new to the cancer forum having joined because my dad is undergoing combined immunotherapy. He is a melanoma patient that had spread to the lymph nodes in his neck and we found out 8 weeks ago it had also spread to his lungs. Devastating news, but he has been offered combined immunotherapy to hopefully fight the cancer.

He has received his second dose last week but is struggling with what appear to be common side effects.



Lack of appetite

The nausea is the worst and I wondered if anyone has any advice on anti nausea medication? He tried one and it didn’t work. Although the above don’t appear serious in the big scheme of things, we are worried about weight loss and the problems associated with that. My dad is a very fit 68 year old so this has been such a shock to all of us.

To anyone taking the time to read and respond, thank you so much x 

  • Hi Katie

    My mum is a stage four melanoma patient, receiving combined immunotherapy too. She's due to have her third cycle next week. Like your dad, she has had nausea and diarrhea, pretty much from the start of receiving treatment. She has a little loss of appetite, but hers has actually been getting a lot better recently - her appetite loss was caused by the cancer, so hard to tell if the immunotherapy is affecting it too. She has melanoma literally all over.

    She was recommended to take immodium for the tummy problems, which seems to have done the trick this time. She did have a week off treatment to take some steroids to sort out the diarrhea after the first cycle, especially as she had reduced kidney function as a result - all back to normal now. Immodium does make nausea worse though, she's found.

    One thing my mum's consultant said is that these side effects are the ones they like to see in patients because they often indicate an early response, so hopefully your dad is responding well to treatment. We're certainly crossing our fingers for my mum.

    Hope that helps.

    Take care,

    Pip x

  • Hi Katie4

    My partner had his 3rd dose of the combined immuno therapy on Wednesday. He had slight diarrhoea after the 1st dose, but his main side effects have been extreme fatigue, thirst, and sore hands. He was told to report back any side effects to his cancer hotline if extreme, or discuss them at his consultant review meeting, or with his cancer nurse, to get advice and help/ medication straight away. Hope this helps  & your Dad's side effects can be resolved.


  • Hi Pip,

     Thank you for your kind message. That’s wonderful news your mum has managed to continue with her treatment. I will keep my fingers crossed that your mum is responding well, we have heard some really positive stories about the immunotherapy.

    All the best

     Katie x 

  • Thanks Marggy,

    I will get my dad to speak to the cancer nurse. As Pip said above hopefully the fact that they are suffering these side effects means the therapy is doing its job.

     Sending prove thoughts to you both.

     Katie x 

    1. Wishing you all the best. My partner is similar and has just had the diagnosis. He has an appointment coming up to tell him which treatment he will be offered . I hope things get easier. Useful to know what side effects might be expected. 
  • My partner has advanced melanoma with secondary in bones. Had some radiotherapy on cheek and had one dose of immunotherapy. He has one bout if diarrhea but nothing major but doesn't feel sick. Has had blood transfusion, IV antibiotics due to chest infection, lost appetite, is also quite sweaty. Hard to know if cancer progress, reaction to any or all of treatments or because of infection. Hope it would be positive effect of treatment.