Lump found under Lymph dissection scar

  • 11 replies
  • 51 subscribers

My partner has stage 4 melanoma which was operated on earlier this year, following that he had a lymph node dissection and had all nodes removed from his left groin side. Upon his latest check up with the surgeon, they found a lump underneath one of the scars. 

I was wondering if anyone had any experience of this? He is undergoing tablet form of Chemo too, roughly 6 months into treatment after the operation. He has been referred back to have an ultrasound and possibly a biopsy. 

I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone going through the same thing.


  • Hi JJP,

    My mum is a stage 4 melanoma patient undergoing treatment at the minute. She had something similar where there was a lump under one of her scars which was then checked with an ultrasound. For her, it turned out to just be a bit of damaged tissue and nothing sinister. She has unfortunately got melanoma all over at the moment, but they said with confidence that the lump under her scar wasn't to do with that and was just damage from the operation she had in June. Hope that helps a little.

    Best wishes,

    Pip x

  • Hi JJP I had a lump in the groin where they took my lymph nodes out ,I thought it’s back again but after a full body scan it showed no cancer but said it was post op damaged to the lymph node not working so well .so all good there Fingers crossedit’s the same for your partner .i was on the chemo  tablet treatment .had ups and down side affects but last 4 scans all clear .i was stage 3c melanoma .good luck for the future .big hugs 

  • Hi was you on dabrafenib and trametinib. I've been taking them for just over a week no side affects yet. 

  • Hi Pip,

    This really helps helps thank you. We are continuing to seek answers but it looks like it is a damaged node in that area. However it is too small to tell what it is exactly, so we've been advised to keep an eye on it. 

    Wishing you and your mum all the very best xx

  • Hi J.Pops,

    Sounds like very similar situations.  Great news that the scans have been all clear. We are still waiting to hear about the last one so fingers crossed. 

    Wishing you all the very best in the future and keeping those scans clear! Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. JJP xx

  • Hi Miss Mole,

    Yes those are what my partner is taking. He hasn't had any side effects yet either and has been taking them for about 6 months now. I've read quite a lot about it, and from my research some people get side effects stright away, some after some time or some not at all. We are hoping it means its just doing its job. 

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment, it's a tough time- especially when you first start taking the pills, so much anxiety about side effects and them having the desired effect. I feel for you and your family. 

    All the best with it all,

    JJP x

  • Hi thanks for reply. Mines stage 3a. Scans all clear at moment. They removed it all from surgery and 6 lymph nodes removed in right groin. Having treatment to try and stop it coming back or in case any tiny cancer cells. So I think myself lucky compared to some. Hope your husband is OK.

  • Hi  does your partner take his tablets at the same time each day. As I get up different time on days off I take a bit later.

  • Hi Miss Mole,

    He takes them at the same time each day, as I understand it there needs to be a certain amount of time between each pill. My partner takes his 12 hours apart. Perhaps you could double check when you collect your pills from the pharmacist? Ours have been really helpful. 

    I hope its all going well for you. 

    All the best,


  • Hi its going fine at moment. Had trouble swallowing capsules at start but getting used to it now. Got a telephone appointment today to check on me. Did your partner find they get stuck to tongue found that easier if drink water first its easier. As it is my first time taking pills I'm not doing to bad. Up until now never needed medication.