Groin fluid from slnb

  • 3 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi has any one had any problems with fluid build up in groin slnb site nearly 3 months after surgery I had it 2 weeks after surgery and now its come back its a little red, tender and swollen, not as red as before does not seem to be getting  any worse. I just found out I had 6 lymph nodes taken out so I guess body needs to get used to it. 

  • Hi it might be a Seroma, see my profile.I had a sac of fluid in my groin for several months after my SNLB.It was a little uncomfortable at start.Mine was checked a number of times via an ultrasound and by the hospital.I was told it would go down by itself eventually and it did.Maybe check if it is a Seroma.

    Best wishes x

  • Hi thanks for the reply. I'm waiting for doctor to call me as it got more red last night then it was less red this morning but is warm to has swelled up it is a hard lump and tender so I think it might be infection. Just hope it's not as swollen lymph node that contains melanoma. I had 3 positive lymph nodes that contained tiny melamona 0.7-1mm and 3 negatives. Seeing oncologist on Thursday. Maybe body needs to get used to having less lymph nodes. Hopefully I just need antibiotics and not another operation.

  • Hi doctor gave me antibiotics  hopefully that will work . Dr said swelling  like a golf ball