Slnb site

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi its been over 10 weeks since my slnb groin and it has just come up a little red. Just wondered if anyone else has had this. I did have an infection a couple of weeks after surgery. I did put e 45 cream on it yesterday  maybe its that thats caused it. There no pain and I feel fine. What is worrying me is that maybe the melanoma spread to remaining lymph nodes. As slnb was positive for microscopic  melanoma.

  • Hi  , Hopefully just another phase of the skin healing that will quickly pass. I haven’t had that symptom myself, however my surgery was 8.5 weeks ago and both my SLNB wounds are still hard and slightly raised. No pain but would be more re-assuring if they could settle soon. Hoping the redness is just a temporary thing and fades away quickly - otherwise maybe call your doctor to just check in on it. All the best!

  • Its faded a bit today I think it might of been the cream