New melanoma on skin whilst on Nivo

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  • 49 subscribers

Hi all

Was wondering if anyone had some advice to calm my nerves.

Brief history - had melanoma stage 3 on lower left back in 2007. Slnb performed but did watch and wait

had recurrence in left groin nodes in 2019 - total left inguinal and pelvic lymph node removal followed by 1 year of dab/tram

small melanoma removed from right flank 2021

lymph node flare up - melanoma right flank lymph nodes sept 2022 

ipi/Nivo combo started Sept 2022

clear head and neck scan Jan, April & Aug 2023

i had a lump appear on right side of my head in Jan 22 but was told by plastics team not to worry. It kept growing. I saw the actual consultant in Aug 23 who said I should have it removed.

my oncologist has just called me to confirm that it’s another melanoma, 5.4mm depth….I’m so devastated. She said that as my scans were clear I shouldn’t worry too much. I’m worried that it’s creeping up my body. I’m still on the Nivo and I’m so grateful it’s seemingly working but not sure how worried I should be about getting yet another melanoma.

any thoughts? Thank you

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently had another melanoma removed and I can understand what a worrying time this must be for you.

    As I don't have the experience you're looking for, I thought I'd respond so it pushes your post back to the top of the discussion list.


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