Sentinel node biopsy

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  • 51 subscribers


What is the recovery time for  SLNB in the groin? 


  • Hi Alexa, Probably depends on a few factors I would think but my experience was that I barely noticed the SLNB at all. It was a small incision about an inch or so long in my groin and it was bruised for a few days but it wasn’t painful enough that I needed anything more than paracetamol for the first day or so. I had full mobility pretty much straight away. Dressings came off at the 7 day wound check. As long as there are no complications I would think just a few days to a week would be a relatively safe bet. The WLE was more significant regarding recovery time. 

  • Hi my slnb to groin took 3 weeks to heal on second week it come up all red had to have antibiotics for a week. Its now a scar and still a little swallon.

  • Hi

    He seems to think he’ll be back to work in a day or so! 

  • Hi I dont think so. Then everyone different. Depends on job. I'm still recovering from skin graft at 6 weeks slnb. My job on feet all day so I'm still of work for another 2 weeks then hopefully going back on reduced hours. Depending on results too.

  • Thank you … his job is on his feet all day too 

    he won’t have it that he needs to recover 

    I had a snlb under my arm last year and was off work butt that was also psychological as I had breast cancer 

  • I think there is a difference between whether he physically can and whether he should as the psychological piece shouldn’t be under estimated. I had to work throughout (slnb and WLE on Friday, working on Monday) I was lucky though in that I do an office job and I was able to work from home while recovering. However the only reason for that was I was a month into a new job. In hindsight I wish I hadn’t had to, and had I been in an established job, I wouldn’t have.

  • Hi,

    I had 2 incisions in my groin for SLNB and both healed up fine and quite quickly. I was careful with movement for first few days. Surgeon said no high impact activity for 5-6 weeks, however my GP recently checked everything and said I'm all good run again now (and I have with no issue - 4 weeks post surgery). For me the wound on my leg (primary site for melanoma) was probably my main focus since surgery. My groin wounds are a tiny bit hard and raised but no pain or discomfort. When GP checked he said 'all healing fine' so that's reassuring.

    All the best!