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  • 55 subscribers


I found it really helpful to read others experiences here so now have my own to contribute. I had an amelanotic melanoma removed from my left calf a couple of months back. 0.8mm breslow - stage T1b. After expecting just a WLE follow up, I found out last month I’d be having SLNB also. This procedure was done yesterday and I was able to leave hospital late afternoon (operation was first thing in the morning). I’d had a scintigram the day prior which found 2 lymph nodes in my left groin. My surgery went fine although they were unable to access the top lymph node as it was too deep and the closer lymph node was the main first one in their opinion, which they got out no problem at all. I think my surgery took about 2hrs based on what I can recall. Very minimal pain - more just tightness in the calf. SLNB wounds (x2 since they were so distant) were painless. Today I feel a bit tired and tiny bits of pain if I move in a certain way, but otherwise fine. No issues with swelling of leg although a funny sort of numbness in the area around where the lymph node was removed, but I’ve read on here that is quite common. Booked in for a follow up with surgeon in a couple of weeks when hopefully the results are in.

Overall pretty smooth process. Of course I’m expecting some pain to appear over the next few days, and have been prescribed medication for that as needed. I understand that I need to take it easy for a while. I like to run and walk in the hills so will have to be extra patient with my leg to heal. Does anyone else here who had had a WLE on leg also have any memories on how long it was before they could go on bigger walks, jogs, runs etc.


  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    That's great to read that you're making good progress after having a WLE and SLNB on your leg. Like you, I had an amelanotic melanoma but mine was on my arm so I can't help with how long it'll be before you can start running again. 

    There are lots of people in the group who've had surgery in the same places as you so hopefully they'll pop on soon to share their experiences with you.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Awesome, thank you   I’ve added my profile details now and will try to keep it up to date. Hope all is going well for you.

  • Hi. I can't really answer your questions however I had my wle/slnb on the 16th, left calf and groin biopsy. I had to keep my dressings on a week longer (3 wks in total) as my groin was a little weepy, but they were removed yesterday, all looking good, if you can say a shark bite and a lumpy groin looks good, haha. I'm ankle feels tight and still slightly numb same as calf, such a weird feeling, a bit like how you feel when you've been to the dentist for a filling, like it's not your skin. I'm not really taking any pain meds, did for about 1 1/2 weeks. It's the TED stocking that's doing my head. Got to stay on for 4 weeks! Really....

    I'm off on a holiday to Northumbria next week, it was supposed to be Spain. I like walking so will see how I go, just have to be careful as my ankle can swell a little. I love swimming so it will be a little while before I can do that, but I hope to have a paddle in the sea next week. Keep us updated. My results came back negative, so feel a little relieved but it's still a big worry, think I'm a bit paranoid now. 

  • Thank you for your reply and experience. That is great news your results were negative   - good timing too for a holiday! I very much get what you mean on feeling paranoid though. I guess we all have to be super vigilant going forward on checkups and self awareness, irrespective of what stage we end up at. Have a great trip!

  • Indeed we do. I definitely won't be ignoring any moles on future. Good luck to you too.

  • Hi it's good your results I ok I'm still waiting on mine. Been told today I have got to have another 6weeks of work as skin graft got to be healed. Groin started weeping so they put a dressing on have  to go back into weeks for check up. How did they give you results.

  • Hi  Sorry to read that. Hope it doesn't take too long to heal. I have a big firm lump where my groin scar is but the scar itself is neat. My calf looks like a shark has taken a big lump out of it. I received a phone call from the cancer nurse whom I met at my original diagnosis,she told me that my results were back clear. Took 2 wks from Slnb. I'm under the RVI Newcastle. 

  • They told me 4 weeks for my results so got another week maybe it will be this week. I'm under chelmsford in Essex at moment

  • Was just told on the phone that my results were negative. I was scheduled to see surgeon next week, but since my recovery is going fine I won't need to see them for another 6months now. Not sure what that appointment is for but I'm happy to have a check in with them (will be underway with regular checks with my own doctor anyway). I feel relieved. I know I am higher risk now for further melanoma and there are no guarantees but I feel fortunate to have got negative results this time.

  • Hi there.  I’m curious.  Im newly diagnosed with stage 1B spindle cell melanoma at 0.8mm too am expecting not to be offered SLNB, but would like it.  I’ve been referred but expecting a few weeks wait.  Did they give you a reason why they offered you a SLNB as well as the wide excision?