Recurring melanoma

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I have recently been diagnosed with malignant melanoma again 8 years after a primary and in transit (both stage 3C and BRAF positive) malignant melanoma

in 2015, I underwent WLE but wasn’t offered SNLB or immunotherapy 

now it has recurred, I am really anxious and worried that this is metastatic from the original and not a new primary - My concerns seem to be disregarded 

In addition to this I have also had 4 other lesions biopsied (2 last week and 2 the week before) and I’m being told to expect to wait 8 weeks for the results 

Is anyone else in a similar situation? 

  • Hi Nene23,

    This sounds very stressful.

    Is the reoccurrence just cutaneous at the moment, or have you had any scans to detect if it’s spread elsewhere?

    8 weeks is a really long time - that’s how long we waited for the results of my partners lymph node biopsy too. Unfortunately he’s stage IV now as it spread while we were waiting. I always thought we should have tried to go private to speed things up, it may have helped the outcome. Not sure if this would be an option for you? No amount of calling/emailing our CNS helped expedite the results. 

    Melanoma can spread so fast, I would try and be proactive in trying to get the results back as soon as possible.

    Good luck, keep us updated.  

  • Hi Goodvibes only,

    thank you for replying so quickly - so sorry to hear about your partner - sending virtual hugs

    As far as I'm aware it is still cutaneous, original was in leg, reoccurrence in same leg different location, but recent biopsies taken include 2 more on same leg and 2 on my back  - both of which appeared within a few weeks of each other

    I have never been offered a SLNB and this time just biopsy and WLE - no scans as yet

    I have also just drafted a letter to send in the hope that someone may reply (sending to dermatologist, GP, oncologist and CNS)

    Good luck to you both too