Help :(

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  • 48 subscribers

***No judgment please ***

Hey so ive been suffering from health Sobxiety really bad since i had my baby Sob months ago . And this is my latest SobSob no judgment please . Im in the uk . I couldn't pick off a melanoma could I? I had this weird black mark on my foot between my big toe and first toe that I broke the skin then picked off with tweezers its bled and the skin has now healed normal . Doctor said I wouldn't be able too pick that off ? I've not thought about it for weeks and now I'm panicking again. this sucks Sleepy I do suffer with athletes foot so the skin is broken between my toes alot . 

Thanks in advance 

I did this in April and the skin looks totally normal now ?

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community 

    Suffering from health anxiety must be a very difficult thing to live with so it's no wonder that you're wondering if a black mark on your foot is melanoma, especially now you have a baby.

    As it's against the Community Guidelines to provide a diagnosis, and your GP's diagnosis is worrying you, could I suggest that you speak to him/her again so that you can fully understand why your GP has said what they've said.

    Sending virtual (((hugs)))

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