WLE skin graft failed

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers


5 weeks ago I had a WLE just above my ankle repaired with a skin graft and SNB (which I’m happy to say has come back clear). I wanted to ask a few questions as I’ve been having a rough time healing. 

I found out today that my skin graft has failed. She removed the old graft and said it now has to heal as an open wound. I’ve spent 5 weeks nursing this, keeping it raised, only hobbling to the toilet on crutches and not much else. I’m quite devastated it’s failed. She hasn’t given me much information on how this healing process will progress, just that it will take up to three months. 

I’m a self employed gardener with my own wildlife gardening business and have been out of work for 3 months already what with the initial biopsy which left me unable to walk. All this sitting around had left me unfit and wondering how I will ever get back to work. I have two children and a husband and am completely skint. I’ve used all my savings, all the money saved for my tax bill, and I’m not eligible for any benefits to help pay the mortgage because my husband earns above the threshold as a firefighter (currently on sick leave due to ptsd). On top of this my daughter has stopped going to school because of anxiety and my mother has been diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and has to have her voice box removed. 

If anyone has any experience of WLE not closed with stitches or skin graft, or perhaps your skin graft failed too, I would love to hear from you and learn from your experiences. Also, I would love to hear from those who have gone through this as a self employed person and your strategies for not going under financially. 

Thankyou for reading my rather disjointed post,


  • Hi Alice,

    Gosh, you are really going through a lot at the moment. But good news about your SLNB. That must be a huge relief.

    I'm sorry your skin graft was not succestake. I had mine on the sole of my foot. It failed partially, with a part doing really well, and another part failing to "take". That was left as an open wound, to heal on its own. All I had to do was to keep it clean and moist. 

    I imagine having the WLE on your ankle is as tricky as the sole of the foot, so I can totally sympathise. It did take a few more weeks to heal, and moving around on crutches was really frustrating. My biggest worry was infection, so I washed it well and changed the dressing daily. Luckily I had no issues. It really did heal, and healed really well, too. It just took a little longer. It now looks, feels, and functions no different from the rest of the graft. 

  • Argh, typo, *successful. 

    I don't have any tips or tricks. Your body will do its thing. It's just a bit tricky at the ankle or the foot because of how mobile that area is. I do hope yours heals as well as mine did, and that soon you will put this whole experience behind you.