Biopsy results

  • 5 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all,

I had a biopsy done 4 weeks ago, still waiting for results. I phoned dermatology today to chase, was told results were back but need to wait for a doctor to check them. Administrator on the phone said they would send results in the post regardless of good or bad news. Was just wondering if anyone had experience of this? Automatically thought that results in the post would mean benign result.

Trying to keep anxious and negative thoughts as bay

Thanks for any responses

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Waiting for results can be a very stressful time so I can understand you chasing them up. When I had my biopsy I was told that I'd get the results face-to-face whether it was good or bad news. I guess what I'm saying is that different hospitals have different protocols for delivering results. 

    I'll be keeping everything crossed that you do have a benign result.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks so much for the quick reply.

    Yeah I was told at the biopsy appointment I would receive the results from the doctor who advised the mole had to be removed so was a bit confused when I got told today that it would be sent by post. Don't quite fancy opening a letter telling me I have melanoma, think that's what causing me anxiety rather than the actual result right now. 

    I shall continue the wait...pretty busy with a 4month old baby so easily distracted during the day, its just at night that my mind runs away with anxious thoughts, hopefully not too much longer to wait.

  • I can totally understand why you'd rather get bad results face-to-face but, even if you do, I'm sure you'd have an appointment pretty quickly afterwards so that the consultant can explain what will happen next.

    I've had breast cancer as well as melanoma and this time last year I was having treatment for the former. Back in April this year I had my first mammogram since finishing treatment and the results of that came by letter. Like you, I was dreading opening it in case it was bad news but fortunately it wasn't.

    Someone much wiser than me once told me that "worrying won't change the outcome but it will ruin the present". I try to remember that when anxious thoughts pop into my head.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Gosh, sorry to hear that you've had a tough time but amazing that treatment is done and good news was recieved for the mammo.

    What great advice, I shall repeat in times when anxiety takes hold. Thank you so much for your responses x

  • I had a phone call from the hospital on a Thursday afternoon saying they had my results and made an appointment for me to get them the following Tuesday.

    I asked could I be given the results over the phone and told no. I spent the weekend being scared silly that it must be serious, it turned out to be stage 1b. However given the stress I went through that weekend I would have much preferred  to have been given the results no matter what they were, because then at least I would know what I was dealing with good or bad. 

    I also felt that it would have allowed me to process the imformation before I saw the nurse, and allow me the opportunity to to think about the pros and cons of having an SNLB, rather than having to decide what I wanted whilst try to process I had cancer. 

    I hope everything goes OK for you and you get good news.