Ongoing cough

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Just wondering if anyone has experienced what I am at the moment and can offer any advice?

I've had a cough since the middle of April, it's not just a little cough it's a sometimes can't stop coughing, can't sleep for coughing, pulled all my muscles in my chest and back kind of a cough. It's honestly the worst cough I've ever had and I'm utterly miserable. I got the news that there were no active cancer cells showing on my scan on 24th April but I already had my cough by then and have felt so rubbish and exhausted that I haven't been able to enjoy that news. 

Between multiple visits to my gp and the Cancer Assessment Unit at the hospital I've been given two lots of anti biotics, lanzoprazole incase it's reflux which was then changed to famotidine, antihistamines, a blue inhaler, 2 chest x rays, a chest ct scan and a 5 day course of steroids. My chest is completely clear, the steroids actually worked and got rid of it but a few days after I stopped taking them it returned and now it's as bad as ever. They won't give me any more steroids as it affects the immunotherapy. 

The doctor says its a virus and it will go away on its own and not anything to do with the immunotherapy but it's been 9 weeks!!

Has anyone experienced the same thing or have any tips for getting rid of a cough, I'm started to go slightly insane with it!!

Sorry for the long post! 

  • Hi Alibobs

    Am sorry to hear about your cough and can understand how annoying it must be. It is somewhat reassuring that your GP has done the tests and prescribed different meds and now thinks it is viral.

    Just a thought but I am asthmatic. My chest can be clear but I can still cough a lot. An inhaler will relieve it for a couple of hours. A course of steroids will reduce any inflammation for a few days. To get longer term relief I need a steroid inhaler in the am and pm. I wonder if it is something that has been considered? 

    In the meantime, try running a shower with steaming hot water and don't get in it just sit in the bathroom. Sometimes I find this helps me. The moisture in the air soothes my cough.



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  • Hi Jane

    Thank you for your reply, yes I've found steam is actually the only thing that does help - if only I could stand in the shower all day!!!

    I also wondered about a brown inhaler as my sister is asthmatic and has one of those but not sure if that's allowed with it being steroid based. I mentioned it to the nurse at the treatment unit yesterday and she said they wouldn't give me a brown inhaler as I've not been diagnosed with anything. But I might need to go back to my gp about that maybe. 

    Thank you