WLE results

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  • 51 subscribers

I had my wle on 22nd May,  being very squeamish I nearly passed out as I walked into the operating theatre! I went back last week and the results have come back all clear! I cried with relief. I have to go back in 3 months then I'll be transferred to the NHS (i had it done privately) I know that I'll be monitored and anything can happen in the future but for the moment I'm happy with the result. 

Its been a challenging 6 weeks, my husband has a terminal brain tumour so we really needed some positive news.  The consultant said that despite all I have going on that I should be proud of getting it dealt with swiftly as it would have been so easy to put off getting it seen. 

He also said to live my life and not become paranoid, this is something I am trying to do.  

Scary as these things are it shows getting help early is the right thing to do.

My new look will be pale and interesting! Smile

Sending lots of love xx