WLE done

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Good morning 

I had my wle yesterday, it was a bit daunting but I'm glad it's done.  Its on the top of my arm and is quite a long scar but the surgeon has done a really good job.  It's a bit achey and feels heavy but hopefully will heal ok.  I have to say the medical team were fabulous, I was so nervous.  I've never had anything medical & never been inside a theatre so it was a bit overwhelming.  I cried as I went in as I was so anxious but the nurse stayed with me and held my hand throughout.  Understandably it's a nerve wracking thing but I just wanted to say to anyone about to have it that you'll be very well looked after.  I am extremely squeamish and a bit pathetic but I did it! 

I felt absolutely fine afterwards, I had a lie down for about half an hour and was discharged to go back next week to the dressing clinic. 

  • Hi  

    I'm glad that your WLE is now over and done with and I completely understand how nerve wracking it is going into an operating theatre.

    My WLE was also on the top of my arm and i was left with a very long wound. However, it's amazing how quickly the body heals and I'm now left with a scar you can hardly see.

    Take care

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you, it sounds like you've been through a tough time with various things.  Every little lump or bump becomes a worry xx 

  • It certainly can be but you have to find a way to not let your mind go off down rabbit holes. I found that it does become easier with time and I hope you will too.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"