Mole removal abdomen

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  • 49 subscribers

I have a small mole I showed the dermatologist at my 12 weekly appointment on Friday that I think has changed so they have agreed to get it removed. It was all documented on the “blue” form for our trust this means the urgent cancer pathway, he didn’t use the dermascope and didn’t say he thought it could be cancerous / melanoma. BUT i can’t stop thinking about it and the thought of being diagnosed again really frightens me. I can’t focus at work and it’s made me physically sick with worry today. Hopefully I’ll get a procedure date asap. 

  • Hi  

    It's horrible when you're waiting for a surgery date but try not to read anything about it being marked as urgent. In my experience, once you've had a melanoma diagnosis any subsequent excision biopsies are carried out very quickly 'just in case'. I try to look at it positively in that I'm being dealt with really quickly instead of having to wait for ages.

    I know saying 'don't worry' is easier said than done but I was told ages ago that "worrying won't change the outcome but it will ruin the present" and I try to remember that if I'm having a tough time.

    Let us know when you have a date for surgery.


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